Investor Insights

BRRRR, COLD hard facts about a HOT strategy!

investing strategies

BRRRR, COLD hard facts about a HOT strategy!

As an agent, the BRRRR is the most talked about strategy that my clients are seeking to perform, right now. Why not, right?

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How to rock a MEETUP and get the most out of it!


How to rock a MEETUP and get the most out of it!

I have learned how to make sure I get the most each time I attend one of these events. They aren't all good, but you can always walk away feeling like you got the most out of whatever it was you attended.

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Create momentum in REI. How to identify your next step!

goal setting

Create momentum in REI. How to identify your next step!

The reason that I chose this topic was that for the longest time and at many points in my career I felt as if I was staring at a mountain and trying to figure out how to climb it. I was in climbing shape, I had done all my homework, but I felt overwhelmed and decided to stand still rather than to jump on in. All I needed to do was identify my first step...

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Comparison stealing your joy?


Comparison stealing your joy?

I found myself in yoga class doing Savasana (corpse pose, i.e. the ultimate in relaxation poses) and I am supposed to be in my practice, in the moment, and I am thinking about someone that I had a conversation with at a networking event and how their REI business was blowing up and opportunity was smacking them in the face every which way they looked. I got pissed, "Get the hell out of my yoga practice, man." ...

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What can go wrong before a closing! BE PREPARED.

real estate advice

What can go wrong before a closing! BE PREPARED.

...what are the things that can go wrong and stop a closing from happening?

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