Meet the Investor!

Erica Osborn


My name is Erica Osborn. I am from Michigan, I am a military spouse and besides my family (friends included) I have 2 loves in life, animals and real estate!
I've been working in commercial real estate in accounting and financial roles since 2005, you can certainly say I am a numbers nerd! I've been investing since 2011 and have tried my hand at every strategy landing on deep value-add small multi-family as my favorite so far!
I've seen how the real estate and investing community has invited me in like family, with each duty station that I arrive at. I am easily drawn to the folks who are doing what I love and that has brought me some life long friends and business partners along the way.
Real estate is all about networking and sparking up that conversation between folks that could lead to a next deal, possible mentor-ship, future partnership, funding sources and many more awesome outcomes. I decided to finally put my designs out there because they are a way to connect people, spark that conversation, celebrate that win, motivate yourself and others to reach towards the things that serve their higher vision!
I hope you enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed creating them 🥰 and I'm always looking for partnerships and deal flow! See you around the investing community.